James W. Brown Publication Award

James W. Brown Publication Award

Nomination Guidelines


This award honors James W. Brown, past president of AECT, who established the award to recognize the author(s) of an outstanding publication in the field of educational technology. Nominated books may be designed for educators, trainers, designers and developers in a variety of settings including schools and universities, business and industry, online learning, media and technology administration, production centers and others.

Brown (1913-1987) was born in Hanford, Washington. He taught junior high school while studying for a Bachelor's degree from Central Washington State College and obtained his Master's and PhD degrees from the University of Chicago. After serving in the Navy during World War II, he was involved in the development of the first statewide plan for audiovisual services through the Virginia State Department of Education. He then spent a year on the faculty at Syracuse University and later moved to Seattle, Washington, to supervise the University Film Center at the University of Washington. From 1953 to 1974 James Brown was affiliated with San Jose State University, first as an associate professor of education then later as Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. His many professional activities included two terms as President of AECT and serving many years on the ECT Foundation's Board of Directors. Dr. Brown was a prolific writer, his best known books have become standard textbooks, many of which he co-authored with fellow educators. In addition to editing the Educational Media Yearbook from 1973 to 1984, he produced 27 books, travel filmstrips, and two travel books about England and Ireland. In 1981, he gave the funds to establish the James W. Brown Publication Award.

Nominations are restricted to published books, including e-books, in the field of educational technology bearing a recent publication date: within the last 2-3 years.
Nominated books may be academic/scholarly works or may focus on professional practice.  

Review Criteria:
1- Relevance of the book’s content to AECT’s mission
2- Significance and potential impact of the book on practice or scholarship  
3- Professional and/or academic quality of the book    
4- Technical quality including  text, images, and navigation.

(See evaluation rubric below)

The AECT Executive Committee will evaluate nominated books, consider other evaluations supplied by nominators, and agree on selection of the award recipient. If more than one individual contributed to the winning publication, the recipients shall determine how to divide/share the award.

Nomination Procedures:
To submit an online nomination, click the online nomination link displayed below. Nominations will not be considered complete without submission linked availability of an electronic copy to the Executive Committee. Nominations can include at up to 2 preferred co-nominations. If there are problems with submission, contact AECT for alternative submission procedures.

Nomination Form: Submit nomination

Nature of Award: The recipient receives a cash award of $100 and a plaque.

Presentation: General Session at the AECT Annual Convention

Funding and Support: AECT Foundation

Nominations due by: April 18, 2025

Award Management on behalf of AECT: Awards Committee and Executive Committee

Contact : AECT, aect@aect.org

Rubric for Evaluating Nominations


Score 4

(Highest fit)

Score 3

Score 2

Score 1

(Lowest fit)

Relevance of the book’s content to AECT’s mission

Strong relevance: The book’s content is directly and comprehensively aligned with AECT’s mission, offering impactful, innovative, and well-researched contributions to the field of educational communications and technology. 

Moderate relevance: The book aligns well with AECT’s mission, offering multiple topics that contribute to the field of educational communications and technology.

Limited relevance: The book demonstrates some connection to AECT’s mission but fails to engage with its core principles in a substantive way. 

Minimal relevance: The book’s content has only a tangential connection to AECT’s mission, addressing topics that are loosely or indirectly related to educational communications and technology.

Significance and potential impact on practice or scholarship

Significant contribution to advancing theory or practice in educational communications and technology.

Meaningful contribution, but lacks broader or groundbreaking impact.

Provides minor contributions and limited relevance to the broader field.

Adds little or no new insights or value to the field.

Professional and/or academic quality of the book

High quality:

The book exemplifies professional and academic excellence, showcasing robust research, clear organization, and impactful, well-supported arguments.

Moderate quality: The book meets acceptable academic and professional standards, presenting reasonably well-structured arguments supported by adequate research, though it may lack exceptional depth or

Limited quality: The book demonstrates basic academic or professional standards but is hindered by weak arguments, poor organization, or insufficient evidence.

Minimal quality: The book lacks professional or academic rigor, with significant flaws in its content, structure, and credibility.

Technical quality 

Well-organized, clear, and effective communication of complex ideas. Effective use of text, images, and navigation.

Mostly clear, with minor issues in organization or presentation.

Somewhat unclear or disorganized, making content hard to follow.

Poorly communicated, challenging to understand.