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Looking for People for Awards Committee and Reviewers


Hello Everyone,

We are looking for people to be involved in our Culture, Learning and Technology Awards Committee for 2024!

We are currently looking for people to form a CLT Awards Committee for 2024 - 2025. Being involved in this opportunity is just one of the ways you can help shape the direction of our field. The awards CLT gives out every year is an opportunity to highlight and reward the work being done by scholar-practitioners and researchers that expressly investigates and critically analyzes the relationship between culture, learning and technology and reflects on often unquestioned assumptions and hidden narratives of our institutions, processes and world view. 

If you would like one of the leadership opportunities please let us know by May 10th.
If you are interested in being a reviewer please let us know by May 15th. 
We are currently looking for 
1 Awards Chair 
4 Awards Leads 
Awards Reviewers for 4 categories
If you are interested - please sign up  and share with your friends and colleagues too. 

