Call for Reviewers

Call for Reviewers

AECT 2024 International Convention

Virtual: October 01-03, 2024

Kansas City, MO: October 19–23, 2024

The Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT) represents and engages a wide variety of educational professionals, including instructional designers, PK-12 teachers, higher education faculty, education administrators, and industry training leaders, who seek to provide leadership and advise policymakers on enriching and sustaining teaching and learning. The annual AECT International Convention is the premier international forum for the exchange and dissemination of scholarship and practice on the design of instruction and systematic approaches to learning.

Invitation to Review

On behalf of the AECT International Convention, we want to express our gratitude for your commitment and valuable time to the review process. As a reviewer, you play a pivotal role in the success of this year's convention where we come together as a community of collaboration and feedback to advance research and knowledge across all divisions. 

To be registered as a reviewer, you must have an Oxford Abstract account to view and review proposals. Complete this form by providing us with your name and email address associated with your account. Indicate your reviewing preferences for one or multiple divisions by checking the relevant boxes below. 

This form must be completed for our organizing committee to add the role of Reviewer to your event dashboard in Oxford Abstracts. Incomplete forms by April 5, 2024 will not be assigned any proposals to be reviewed.

By April 8th, 2024, (date may be subject to change) the organizing committee will assign the proposal submissions aligning with your expertise and interests across the divisions listed below. The deadline to complete the reviews for all assigned proposals is May 17th, 2024.