Note: being nominated/elected to the President-Elect position is a three-year commitment (Year 1: President-Elect; Year 2: President; Year 3: Past-President)
a) The President-Elect is responsible for chairing the division convention planning activities. The President-Elect will conduct division business in the absence of the President.
b) The President conducts all business, meetings, and other tasks relating to division activity within AECT such as managing division budgets.
c) The Past-President is responsible for elections of officers and board members. The Past-President presents the nominated slate of officers to the Executive Committee for majority confirmation 60 days prior to the AECT designated deadline for the start of Association elections. The Past-President serves as Chair of the Awards Selection Committee. The Past-President presents the names of all award winners to the Executive Committee for acknowledgement prior to announcement of the recipient names to the AECT Board.
d) The Vice-President for Communications is responsible for updating, maintaining, and facilitating the division's electronic communication tools (e.g., the social media accounts for the Division, communication platforms supported by AECT, etc.), as well as recording and distributing the Division's meeting minutes. The Vice-President for Communications is responsible for chairing the Division's Subcommittee for Communications. Need and recruitment for the subcommittee is determined at the discretion of the Vice-President for Communications.This position has a three-year term.
e) The Division AECT Board Representative acts as the Teacher Education Division's representative to the AECT Board and posts a biannual report to the Division website of the AECT Board's activities that are pertinent to the division members. This position has a three-year term.
f) Board Members-at-Large - The Board of Directors includes three members-at-large elected from the Division membership. One member-at-large position is reserved for a graduate student* who provides representation for and connection to AECT’s large graduate student population. The graduate student position serves a one-year term; the other two members-at-large serve for two years. The two-year terms for at-large members are staggered so that each year, one of these member-at large positions is available. All TED members-at-large may serve any number of consecutive terms, but must be reelected each time.
*While one member-at-large position is reserved for a graduate student. Graduate students can also be nominated for, and elected to, any board position.