Excellence in Presentation

Excellence in Presentation


This award recognizes an exceptional presentation (ex. conference presentation, webinar) in the field of learner engagement. The presentation highlights best practices or research regarding an important aspect of learner engagement.

The presentation can take place at any venue or through any organization. The presentation must demonstrate a strong correlation to learner engagement.

Review Criteria:
Relevance, creativity, originality, and importance to learner engagement

Nominations are coordinated, reviewed, and approved by the LED awards committee. The awards committee is comprised of LED Board members and other LED members. Award winners are notified ahead of AECT’s annual convention. Awards are then presented at AECT’s annual convention.

Nomination Procedures:
To submit a nomination, click on the nomination form linked below.   Complete the form in its entirety and provide any additional information deemed relevant to aid the awards committee in making final decisions. You may nominate yourself for an award or you may nominate an individual or group. You are permitted to nominate the same individual or group for multiple awards.

Nomination Form: Click here to Submit a Nomination/Application

Nature of Award: Plaque

Presentation: LED Awards Ceremony at the AECT annual convention.

Funding And Support: AECT

Nominations due by: June 1, 2023

Award Management on behalf of AECT: Learner Engagement Division

Contact: Scott Gibbons, Past President, Learner Engagement Division, Gibbonsp@ucmail.uc.edu