Past Award Recipients 2021-Present


AECT Awards

AECT Fellows: Curtis Bonk and Vanessa Dennen

J. Michael Spector Appreciation Award: Hengtao Tang

David H. Jonassen Excellence in Research Award: Punya Mishra

James W. Brown Publication Award: Peggy Ertmer, Krista Glazewski, Adrie Koehler, Jill Stefaniak

AECT Internship Awards

Strohbehn Internship Award: Aubrey Rogowski 

Cochran Internships: Anne Fensie, Keunjae Kim, Cathy Leavitt 

Harris Transformational Leadership Development: Theresa Huff, Hemalathaa Kasiviswanath Yuvaraja, Idowu Awoyemi 

Jenny Johnson International Internship: Eunkyoung Elaine Cha

AECT Presidential Awards

Distinguished Service Award: Tutaleni Asino, Amy Bradshaw, Wendy Gentry

Poster Awards

1st place: Susan Stansberry, Penny Thompson, Tutaleni Asino, Jennifer Lu, and Toby Brown

2nd place: Zilong Pan, Lauren Biegley, Jiayan Zhu, and Melissa Smith

3rd place: Megan Hamilton, DeeDee Mower, Elias Alexander, and Stephanie West

Culture, Learning, and Technology Division Awards

AECT McJulien Graduate Student Scholarship Award: Mohammed Johurul Islam

McJulien Scholar Best Paper Award: Rochelle Kaaloa

Outstanding Publication Award: Book: David Delmar Sentíes

Outstanding Publication Award: Book Chapter: Sanghoon Park, Jeeheon Ryu, Yeonju Tak, Seo-bin Jo, and Daeun Kim

Outstanding Publication Award: Journal Article: Jill Pearson, Lisa A. Giacumo, Arvin Farid, & Mojtaba Sadegh

Design & Development Division Awards

Outstanding Journal Article: Keunjae Kim, Kyungbin Kwon

Outstanding Book Award: Jill Stefaniak

Outstanding Practice Award: Ai-Chu Elisha Ding

Nova Southeastern Award: Stephanie Denny, Julie Wyatt, Maria Paula Borras-Patino, Adriana Quispe, Chinyu Sun

Robert M. Gagne Award: Eunice Kim

Presidential Service Award: Matthew Schimdt, Patricia Slagter van Tryon, Peter Rich

Division of Distance Learning Awards

Crystal Award: Florence Martin, Min Zhuang, Erik Byker, Weichao Wang

Book Chapter Award: Angel Morgan

Empirical Journal Article Award: Holli Bice, Hengtao Tang

Practical Application Publication Award: Florence Martin, Swapna Kumar, Albert Ritzhaupt, Drew Polly

Graduate Student Empirical Journal Article Award: Lauren Woo, Leanna Archambault, Jered Borup

Best Conference Proposal: Swapna Kumar, Ariel Gunn

Emerging Learning Technologies Division Awards

Graduate Student Award: Hunhui Na

Professional (Non-student) Award: Ross Shaw, Ji Yae Bong, Isabelle Sperano, Robert Andruchow, Dana Cobzas, Emilie Lebel, John McMillan

John Curry Distinguished Service Award: Jin Joy Mao

ETR&D Awards

Distinguished Development Award: Jeremy Roschelle

International Division Awards

Robert deKieffer International Fellowship: Kaushal Bhagat

Distinguished International Service in Education Communications and Technology Award: Hengtao Tang

Outstanding Student Practice of Educational Technology in an International Setting: Umi Saidah

Marina McIsaac Award: Chih Hsiung Tu

Best Proposal Award: Larisa Olesova, Dirk Ifenthaler, Renee L. Mercer, Kim Copeland, Joana Heil, Mustafa Tepgeç

Outstanding Journal Article Published in ETR&D International Review: Victoria Marín, Katja Buntins, Svenja Bedenlier, Melissa Bond

R. W. “Buddy” Burniske Award: Yu-Chang Hsu, Yu-Hui Ching

Presidential Service Award: Dan Hoffman

Learner Engagement Division Awards

Excellence in Innovation: Ross Shaw, Ji Yae Bong, Isabelle Sperano, Robert Andruchow, Dana Cobzas, Emilie Lebel, John McMillan

Outstanding Digital Learning Artifact: Linda Wiley, Tessa Jolls, Monika Hanley,  Matt Connell

Outstanding Publication: Sinem Aslan, Lenitra M. Durham, Nese Alyuz, Rebecca Chierichetti, Pete A. Denman, Eda Okur, David I. Gonzalez Aguirre, Julio C. Zamora Esquivel, Hector A. Cordourier Maruri, Sangita Sharma, Giuseppe Raffa, Richard E. Mayer, Lama Nachman

Organization Training and Performance Division Awards

Graduate Student Convention Scholarship: Ericka Eppler

OTP Best Practice Award: Audrey Eagle, Arpita Pal

The Nancy B. Hastings Distinguished Service Award: Holley Handley

Research & Theory Division Awards

Outstanding Book Award: Jill E. Stefaniak

Outstanding Theoretical Journal Article Award: Daniela Castellanos-Reyes, Adrie A. Koehler, & Jennifer C. Richardson

Outstanding Empirical Journal Article Award: Anne Fensie, Teri St. Pierre, Jennifer Jain, & Asli SezenBarrie

Young Researcher Award: Jennifer Jihae Park

Outstanding Research & Theory Division Sponsored Accepted Proposal Award: Clara Schumacher & Dirk Ifenthaler

Outstanding Research & Theory Division Sponsored Accepted Student Proposal: Chen Feng, Kelli Paul, Daeun Hong, Tianshu Wang, Xiaotian Zou, Krista Glazewski, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Seung Lee , Bradford Mott, & James Lester

Outstanding Reviewers: Bret Staudt Willet, Ismahan Arslan-Art, Tiffany Roman

Teacher Education Division Awards

Scholarly Advancement of Teacher Education and Educational Technology Award: Cecil Short

Christine Sorensen Irvine Service to the Division Award: Irene Bal

Smaldino & Herring Teacher Leadership Award: Danielle Fernandez

JTILT Technology-Rich Lesson Design Competition: Kathryn Ure; Robin Dazzeo

Systems, Thinking & Change Division Awards

Outstanding Change Book Award: Sheila Murphy, Tracey Regenold and Phillip Reed

Outstanding Change Journal Article Award: Victoria Lowell and Weijian Yan

Distinguished Service to the Division Award: Samantha Blevins

Charles M. Reigeluth Emerging Researcher Award: Benjamin Emihovich

Technology Integrated Learning Division Awards

Richard B. Lewis Award: Leticia De Leon, Joseph Rene Corbeil, Maria Elena Corbeil

Leslie Blatt Service Award: Chris Miller


AECT Awards

AECT Fellows: Florence Martin, Charles M. Reigeluth

AECT at 100 Transformational Leadership Award: Lucas Lima de Vasconcelos

Annual Achievement Award: Curtis J. Bonk, Punya Mishra, Chris Dede, Yong Zhao

David H. Jonassen Excellence in Research Award: Charles Graham

Distinguished Service Award: John H. Curry

J. Michael Spector Appreciation Award: Christopher T. Miller

James W. Brown Publication Award: Christopher T. Miller, Anthony Piña, Michael H. Molenda, Phillip L. Harris, Barbara B. Lockee

Special Service Award: Hengtao Tang

AECT Presidential Awards

Distinguished Service Award: Stephanie Moore, Michael Simonson, Sharon Stidham, John Curry, Tonia Dousay, Amy Lomellini

AECT Internship Awards

Strohbehn Internship Award: Mohammad Shams Ud Duha

Cochran Internship: Hajeen Choi

Harris Transformational Leadership Development: Danielle Fernandez

Poster Awards

1st Place: Kukhyeon Kim, Eunbyul Yang, and Jeeheon Ryu

2nd Place: Kirtika Panwar, Sheri Vasinda, and Ericka Eppler

3rd Place: Sungwon Shin, Stacy H. Lee, Feliza Mercado, and Burcu Stone

Honorable Mention: Mark Kato Karugarama and Heng-Yu Ku

Culture Learning and Technology Division Awards

AECT McJulien Graduate Student Scholarship Award: Paula Marcelle

Exceptional Service Award: Juhong Liu

McJulien Scholar Best Paper Award: Colleen M. Smith, K. Bret Staudt Willet

Outstanding Publication Award: Book: Curtis J. Bonk, Meina Zhu

Outstanding Publication Award: Book Chapter: Daniela Castellanos-Reyes, Enilda Romero-Hall, Lucas Vasconcelos, Belen García

Outstanding Publication Award: Journal Article:  Rebecca Clark-Stallkamp, Alicia L. Johnson, Barbara Lockee

Outstanding Publication Award: Social Impact: Racheal Brooks, Siobahn Day Grady



Design and Development Division Awards

Outstanding Journal Article Award: Matthew Schmidt, Noah Glaser, Carla Schmidt, Rachel Kaplan, Heath Palmer, Sue Cobb

Outstanding Book Award: Jill Stefaniak, Rebecca Reese

Outstanding Practice Award: Ahmed Lachheb, Elisabeth Gerber, Matthew Lima, Jeffrey Butler, Abby Frontera

Nova Southeastern University Award for Outstanding Practice by a Graduate Student in Instructional Design: Stephanie West, Heather Francis

Robert M. Gagné Award for Graduate Student Research in Instructional Design: Tomohiro Nagashima

Presidential Service Award: Melissa Warr

Division of Distance Learning Awards 

Best Conference Proposal Award: Danielle Kish, Karen T. Arnesen, Charles R. Graham

Best Practice, 1st Place: Dabae Lee

Book Award, 1st Place: Vanessa Dennen, Camille Dickson-Deane, Xun Ge, Dirk Ifenthaler, Sahana Murthy, Jennifer C. Richardson

Crystal Award, 1st Place: Irene A. Bal

Distance Education Book Chapter Award: M. Sean Hickey, Ana-Paula Correia, Katherine Fergus

Graduate Student Research Award – Mixed-Method: Michael Ahlf, Sara McNeil

Graduate Student Research Award – Qualitative: Lauren J. Woo, Leanna Archambault

Graduate Student Research Award – Quantitative: Zhuo Zhang, Yukiko Maeda, Timothy Newby, Qian Xu, Zui Cheng

Journal Article: Application-Based, 1st Place: Leanna Archambault, Heather Leary, Kerry Rice

Journal Article: Mixed Methods, 1st Place: Rob Moore

Journal Article: Qualitative, 1st Place: Sallly Baldwin, Yu-Hui Ching

Journal Article: Quantitative, 1st Place: Nandita Gurjar, Haiyan Bai

Emerging Learning Technologies Division Awards

Graduate Student Award: 1st place: Keunjae Kim

Professional (Non-student) Award 1st place: Minkyoung Kim, John Pecore

Professional (Non-student) Award 2nd place: Victoria Lowell

John Curry Distinguished Service Award: Tutaleni I. Asino

ETR&D Awards 

Distinguished Development Award: Victor Lee

International Division Awards 

Distinguished Service Award: Abbas Johari

ETR&D Cultural and Regional Perspectives Outstanding Journal Article Award: Pfuurai Chimbunde

Outstanding Student Practice of Educational Technology in an International Setting: Clement Audu

Presidential Service Award: Nicole Wang-Trexler

R.W. “Buddy” Burniske Award: Yu-Chang Hsu, Marielle Venturino

Robert deKieffer International Fellowship Award: Kyung Kim

Learner Engagement Division

Outstanding Publication: Eunbyul Yang, Sanghoon Park, Jeeheon Ryu, Taehyeong Lim

Excellence in Innovation: Irene A. Bal, Katheryn Ure

Outstanding Digital Learning Artifact: Megan Eubanks, Christine Cercado, Danilo M. Baylen

Organizational Training and Performance Division Awards

Best Practice Award: Victoria Lowell

Graduate Student Convention Scholarship: Oluwafikayo Adewumi

Research & Theory Division Awards

Outstanding Book Award: Paul A. Kirschner, Carl Hendrick, Jim Heal

Outstanding Empirical Journal Article Award: Kei Tomita

Outstanding Research & Theory Division Sponsored Accepted Student Proposal Award: Jie (Jennifer) Lu, Matthew Schmidt


Outstanding RTD Accepted Proposal Award: Chen Feng, Zixi Li, Xiaoying Zheng, Curtis Bonk

Outstanding Service Award: Yu-Ju (Sharon) Lin, Heather Leary

Outstanding Theoretical Journal Article Award: Enilda Romero-Hall

Outstanding Reviewers: Jiangmei Yuan, Yu-Ju Lin, Secil Caskurlu

Theory Competition: Angel Morgan

Systems Thinking & Change Division Awards

Distinguished Service Award: Minkyoung Kim

Outstanding Article Award: Tracey A. Regenold, Philip A. Reed

Systems Change Leader Award: Minkyoung Kim, Arlene Ramirez, Jin Joy Mao, Anne Fensie, Michael Lampe, Sanghoon Park

The Charles M. Reigeluth Emerging Researcher Award: Logan Arrington


Teacher Education Division Awards

Best Proposal Award: Rhuohan Liu, Jennifer Maeng

JTILT Technology-Rich Lesson Plan Competition: Brian T. Johnson, Nate Turcotte

Outstanding Service Award: Christine Sorensen

PK-12 Lesson Design Competition: Abby Harris, Alyssa Erickson

Smaldino & Herring Leadership Award: Jiyoung Kim

Technology Integrated Learning Division

Richard B. Lewis Memorial Award: Centennial School District on the East Coast

Leslie Blatt Service Award: Leslie Blatt


AECT Awards 

Annual Achievement Award: Ed Tech Books

David H. Jonassen Excellence in Research Award: Barbara Lockee

Distinguished Service Award: Ellen Wagner

J. Michael Spector Appreciation Award: Tonia Dousay

James W. Brown Publication Award: Jill Stefaniak, Rebecca M. Reese

Special Service Award: Ellen Wagner

AECT Internship Awards

Earl F. Strohbehn Internship Award: Dana AlZoubi

Jenny Johnson International Internship: Jennifer Jihae Park

Cochran Internship Award: Ginny Smith

Harris Transformational Leadership Development: Annetta Dolowitz, Amy Lomellini

AECT Presidential Awards

Distinguished Service Award: Danilo Baylen, Xun Ge, David Wiley, Sharon Stidham, Tonia Dousay, Bob Doyle, Vandy Pacetti-Donelson

Presidential Medal of Honor: Ellen Wagner

Presidential Special Service Award: Constance Harris, Kristen Herman, Jenny Bauman, Hoda Harati, Linda Wiley, Beth Oyarzun, Laura Stapleton, Cecil R. Short, Rebecca M. Reese, Jennifer Johnston

Culture Learning and Technology Division Awards 

Outstanding Publication Award: Journal Article: Matthew Schmidt, Noah Glaser, Tina Riedy, Carmen Rietta

AECT McJulien Graduate Student Scholarship Award: Mia L. Knowles-Davis

Exceptional Service Award: Sylvia Rogers,Peggy Lumpkin

McJulien Scholar Best Paper Award: Tugce Aldemir, Marcela Borge

Outstanding Publication Award: Book: Ian Lubin

Outstanding Publication Award: Book Chapter: Parama Chaudhuri

Outstanding Publication Award: Social Impact: Keith Heggart, Camille Dickson-Deane, Kae Novak

Design and Development Division Awards

Nova Southeastern Univ. Award for Outstanding Practice by a Graduate Student: Ann Prizzi, Terah Minor-Jones

Outstanding Book Award: Charles M. Reigeluth, Yunjo An

Outstanding Journal Article Award: Kyung Kim, Andrew A. Tawfik

Presidential Service: Brenda Bannon, Laura Stapleton

Robert M. Gagné Award for Graduate Student Research in Instructional Design: Monica Surrency

Division of Distance Learning Awards

Best Practice, 1st Place: Larisa Olesova, Ayesha Sadaf,

Book Award, 1st Place: Lauren Cifuentes

Crystal Award, 1st Place: Matthew Schmidt, Jie Lu, Kimberly Driscoll, Wenjing Luo, Avani Modi

Journal Article: Application-Based, 1st Place: Patrick Lowenthal, Amy Lomellini, Chris Smith, Krista Greear

Journal Article: Application-Based, 2nd Place: Victoria Lowell, Rob Moore

Journal Article: Mixed Methods, 1st Place: Enilda Romero-Hall, Caldeira Ripine

Journal Article: Mixed Methods, 2nd Place: Eamonn Powers, Rob Moore

Journal Article: Qualitative, 1st Place: Eric Belt, Patrick Lowenthal

Journal Article: Qualitative, 2nd Place: Larisa Olesova, Susan Campbell

Journal Article: Quantitative, 1st Place: Florence Martin, Carl Westine, Ting Sun, Albert Ritzhaupt

Journal Article: Quantitative, 2nd Place: Patrick Lowenthal, Holly Fiock, Dana Shreaves, Eric Belt

Emerging Learning Technologies Division Awards

John Curry Distinguished Service Award: Charles B. Hodges

ETR&D Awards

Distinguished Development Award: Curtis J. Bonk, Yong Zhao, Punya Mishra, Chris Dede

International Division Awards

Distinguished Service Award: Xiaoxue (Charles) Wang

International Contribution Award: Shuyan Wang

Outstanding Student Practice of Educational Technology in an International Setting: Miao Dai

Presidential Service Award: Dirk Ifenthaler

R.W. “Buddy” Burniske Award: Dan Hoffman, Seungoh Paek, Curtis Ho, Bert Y. Kimura

Robert deKieffer International Fellowship Award: Felicia Mormah

Learner Engagement Division Awards

Outstanding Publication Award: Jered Borup, Charles R. Graham, Richard E. West, Leanna Archambault, Kristian J. Spring

Outstanding Digital Learning Artifact Award: Curtis Bonk, Chris Dede, Punya Mishra, Yong Zhao

Excellence in Innovation Award: Keith Heggart, John Vulic, Camille Dickson-Deane

Outstanding Contribution Award: Angelica Pazurek, Anne Fensie

Best Conference Proposal Award: Danielle Lusk, Daron Williams, Brian Lusk, Christa Miller

Organizational Training and Performance Division Awards

Best Practice Award: Katie Uhlenhake

Graduate Student Convention Scholarship: Evangeline Schepper, Johnny Fortune

Research & Theory Division Awards

Outstanding Empirical Journal Article Award: Haesol Bae, Krista Glazewski, Thomas Brush, Kyungbin Kwon

Outstanding Research & Theory Division Sponsored Accepted Proposal Award: Emma Agola, Tian Luo

Outstanding Research & Theory Division Sponsored Accepted Student Proposal Award: Rui (Tammy) Huang, Matthew Schmidt

Outstanding Theoretical Journal Article Award: Richard H. Swan, Kenneth J. Plummer, Richard West,

Qualitative Inquiry Award: Bret Staudt Willet

Systems Thinking & Change Division Awards

Distinguished Service Award: Todd Adrian

Outstanding Article Award:  Ali A. Carr-Chellman, Allen Kitchel, James Olive

Outstanding Book Award: M. Aaron Bond, Suha Tamim, Samantha Blevins, Beth Sockman

The Charles M. Reigeluth Emerging Researcher Award: Rob Moore

Teacher Education Division Awards

Outstanding Service Award: Craig Shepherd

Scholarly Advancement to the Field of Educational Technology: Susan Stansberry

Smaldino & Herring Leadership Award: Ai-Chu Ding

Technology Integrated Learning Division Awards

Richard B. Lewis Memorial Award: Elizabeth Willoughby

Richard B. Lewis Memorial Award: John P. Faber School


AECT Awards

J. Michael Spector Appreciation Award: Phillip Harris

David H. Jonassen Excellence in Research Award: Curtis Bonk

Distinguished Service Award: Robert Doyle, Phillip Harris

Honoring Educational Revolutions in Online (HERO)-Higher Education: Christopher R Prokes

Honoring Educational Revolutions in Online (HERO)- K-12: Steve Webb

Honoring Educational Revolutions in Online (HERO)- Workplace Learning: Madeleine Yount, Justin Beaudry, Lorraine Frazier

AECT Internship Awards

Strohbehn Internship Award: Rebecca Clark-Stallkamp

Cochran Internship Award: Sagun Giri, Yingxaio Qian

AECT Presidential Awards

Distinguished Service Award: Okan Arslan, Irene Bal , Jenny Bauman, Linda Campion, Hengtao Tang, Victor Law

Presidential Special Service Award: John Curry, David Gardner, Heather Leary, Victoria Lowell, Jin (Joy) Mao, Anthony Piña, Michael Simonson, The Accessibility Committee- AECT, The Graduate Student Assembly- AECT

Culture Learning and Technology Division Awards

Outstanding Publication Award: Journal Article: Yan Chen

AECT McJulien Graduate Student Scholarship Award: Daniela Castellanos

Exceptional Service Award: Lisa Giacumo, Kae Novak

McJulien Scholar Best Paper Award: Spencer Greenhalgh, Shannon Oltmann, Daniel Krutka

Outstanding Publication Award: Book: Patricia A. Young

Outstanding Publication Award: Book Chapter: Amy C. Bradshaw


Design and Development Division Awards

Nova Southeastern Univ. Award for Outstanding Practice by a Graduate Student: Thanh Do

Outstanding Book Award: Abbie H. Brown, Timothy D. Green

Outstanding Journal Article Award: Andrew A. Tawfik, Jessica Gatewood, Jaclyn Gishbaugher, Arthur Graesser

Outstanding Practice Award: Kyung Kim

Presidential Service: Jasmine Choi, Jill Stefaniak, Sheri Stover

Robert M. Gagné Award for Graduate Student Research in Instructional Design: Brian Taylor Johnson

Division of Distance Learning Awards

Best Practice, 1st Place: Florence Martin, Kiran Budhrani, Chuang Wang

Best Proposal: Concurrent Session, 1st Place: Jill Stefaniak, Xigui Yang, Meimei Xu

Book Award, 1st Place: Joseph Rene Corbeil, Maria Elena Corbeil, Badrul H. Khan

Crystal Award, 1st Place: David Goldsman, Fatimah Wirth, Stephen Murphy, Raymond Chang, Saurabh P. Doodhwala

Journal Article: Application-Based, 1st Place: Tiffany Roman, Matthew Callison, Rodney Myers, Anne Berry

Journal Article: Mixed Methods, 1st Place: Florence Martin, Ting Sun, Carl Westine

Journal Article: Qualitative, 1st Place: Jesús Trespalacios, Chareen Nelson, Patrick Lowenthal, Lida Uribe-Flórez

Journal Article: Quantitative, 1st Place: Min Young Doo, Curtis Bonk, Heeok He

ETR&D Awards 

Distinguished Development Award: Xun Ge, John Sweller

Early Career Scholars Award: Tingting Yang, Ikseon Choi

International Division Awards 

Outstanding Journal Article Published in International Review of ETR&D: Hengtao Tang

Distinguished Service Award: Robert Doyle

International Contribution Award: Curtis Ho

Outstanding Student Practice of Educational Technology in an International Setting: Sydney Mutelo

Presidential Service Award: Hengtao Tang

R.W. “Buddy” Burniske Award: Eunsoon Cho, Young Hoan Cho, Michael M. Grant, Donggil Song, Yeol Huh

Learner Engagement Division Awards

Best Conference Proposal: Suzanne Brown-McBride, Peter Leong

Excellence in Innovation: Sinem Aslan, Nese Alyuz, Lama Nachman, Asli Arslan Esme

Outstanding Digital Learning Artifact: Maria C. R. Harrington

Outstanding Publication Award: Doris Bolliger, Florence Martin

Organizational Training and Performance Division Awards

Graduate Student Convention Scholarship: Annetta Dolowitz, Samantha Goldstein

Nancy B. Hastings Distinguished Service Award: Jennifer Bauman

Research & Theory Division Awards

AECT - Dean & Sybil McClusky Research Award: Jennifer Park

Outstanding Empirical Journal Article Award: Theodore J. Kopcha, Ceren Ocak, Yingxiao Qian

Outstanding Research & Theory Division Sponsored Accepted Proposal Award: Zhiru Sun, Yuqin Yang,

Outstanding Research & Theory Division Sponsored Accepted Student Proposal Award: Holly Fiock, Sally Meech, Mohan Yang, Yishi Long, Tadd Farmer, Adrie Koehler, Zui Cheng

Outstanding Service Award: Wanli Xing, Bret Staudt Willet, Eunjung Grace Oh,

Outstanding Theoretical Journal Article Award: Peter Honobein, Charles M. Reigeluth

Young Researcher Award: Tiffany Romans, Elizabeth Boling

Systems Thinking & Change Division Awards

Distinguished Service Award: Monica Sulecio de Alvarez

Outstanding Article Award: Barbara Altman, Kay Shattuck, Bethany Simunich, Barbra Burch

Outstanding Book Award: Jill E. Stefaniak

System Change Leader:  M. Aaron Bond

The Charles M. Reigeluth Emerging Researcher Award: Hengtao Tang

Teacher Education Division Awards 

Best Proposal: Theodore J. Kopcha, Kalianne Neumann, Anne Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Elizabeth Pitman

Outstanding Service Award: Jacob A. Hall

Scholarly Advancement to the Field of Educational Technology: Royce Kimmons

Smaldino & Herring Leadership Award: Irene A. Bal

Technology Integrated Learning Division Awards 

Villy Gandhi Leadership Training Award: Margaret Adjoga-Otu